On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Ron Piggott
<ron.pigg...@actsministries.org> wrote:
> In the following the “2.” means a moderator response and “25” is the account 
> # of the moderator.
> <?php
> $author = 2.0000000000000000000000025
> ?>
> How can I get the 25 by itself?
> - I want to drop the “2.” and remove all the zero’s
> Would it be best to turn this into a STRING?
> Any suggestions?

Storing data as a float is a bad idea. Way bad. Also, I think that's
too many significant digits for php to handle in a float.

You should store data in an accessible way. For instance, assuming
there are actually only two pieces of interesting data there, you
could store them as a hash:

php > $author = Array('account' => 25, 'response' => 2);
php > var_dump($author);
array(2) {

If that data is coming from somewhere beyond your control and is
presented as that, then parsing as a string will be the way to go.
Again, assuming there is no other useful information, a simple regexp
to parse it would be:

php > if (preg_match('/(\d+)\.0+(\d+)/','2.0000000000000000000000025',$matches))
php {   $author = Array('account' => $matches[2], 'response' => $matches[1]);
php { }
php > // else handle error if need be
php > var_dump($author);
array(2) {
  string(2) "25"
  string(1) "2"

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