On 02/25/2013 05:40 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
Hi Guys/Gals,
If I have an multidimensional array and it has items that have the same
name in it, how do I get the values of each similar item?


specialservices => array(
specialservice => array(
serviceid => 1,
servicename=> signature required,
price => $4.95
secialservice => array(
serviceid => 15,
servicename => return receipt,
price => $2.30

How do I get the prices for each? What would be the best way to do this?
Can I utilize the serviceid to do this somehow?
It is always going to be different per specialservice.



Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

This will never work. Your last array will always overwrite your previous array.

Here is how I would suggest building it:

$items = array(
    1 => array(
        serviceid => 1,
        servicename=> signature required,
        price => $4.95
    15 => array(
        serviceid => 15,
        servicename => return receipt,
        price => $2.30

This will ensure that your first level indexes never overwrite themselves.

But, with that change made, then do this:

foreach ( $items AS $item ) {
  if ( array_key_exists('price', $item) ) {
    echo $item['price'];
  } else {
    echo 'Item does not have a price set';


Jim Lucas


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