On Sun, 2013-02-17 at 21:26 -0600, tamouse mailing lists wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 2:30 PM, B. Aerts <ba_ae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > - the biggest mistake: apparently I commented the fwrite() call to the
> > stream, which explains why he went in time-out ... (in this case, please DO
> > shoot the pianist)
> Nah, just don't leave a tip. :)
> > - Adding the HTTP header "Accept: */*" made sure all read actions ( e.g.
> > GET, PROPFIND, REPORT) worked perfectly

Interesting, suprising, but it makes sense.  An Accept header is
required; although most things actually ignore it.

> This is interesting. The Accept header has to do with what media types
> the browser will accept in return. I didn't think it had anything to
> do with what operations the server/application accepts. Must go read
> further....
> > Only problem remaining was that PUT still isn't possible - at least not with
> > one of the providers. Since I used a verbatim copy of a PUT action from the
> > RFC, I strongly suspect the problem to be with the provider.
> You've no doubt considered this already, but it might be intentional
> on the provider's part. I'm not up on all the webDAV/calDAV providers;
> I imagine some of them might add in additional layers of auth
> (including the NOWAI layer)  just to consider themselves more secure.

I have WebDAV/CardDAV/CalDAV experience - what actually happens when you
do a PUT operation?  Do you get any response at all?  Is your
content-type header correct?  Is your payload actually correct?

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