On Mar 11, 2013, at 3:47 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> if ( !( ($current_page == $saved_page) and ($current_ip == $saved_ip) and 
> ($current_dt < ($saved_dt + 3600)) ) )

Hello Ash,

        This makes sense to me, but I can't get it to work, so I'm either not 
understanding it or I'm asking the wrong question.  Here's a complete scriptlet:

$saved_page = 'ddd';
$page       = 'ddd';
$saved_ip   = '';
$ip         = '';
$saved_dt   = '2013-03-11 11:11:11';
$current_dt = '2013-03-11 11:22:11';

if ( !( ($current_page == $saved_page) and ($current_ip == $saved_ip) and 
($current_dt < ($saved_dt + 3600)) ) ) {
        echo 'Save results.';
} else {
        echo "Don't save.";

        Using the supplied data, the result should be "Don't save."  Can you 
see what's wrong?

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