Is the lib direcotory under the working directory, I mean, if your 
program is excuting  under temp directory, the lib directory has to be 
below temp directory. If you are running this program from the root 
directory then lib has to be below root directory.
Your code looks good to me.
One more thing I can think of is, do you read access to lib directory, 
just curious.

Chris Cocuzzo wrote:

> hey-
> I have a piece of code which does a simply INSERT query into an mp3 table.
> I've tested it out, and it completes the query, however there is one bug
> that I just have no clue about.
> this code does not work when i try to connect to the db:
> include("lib/db_config.php");
> $connection = db_connect("fplg");
> if(!connection) {
>      die(sql_error());
> }
> the include fails and so the db_connect function is undefined.
> this code works:
> include("db_config.php");
> $connection = db_connect("fplg");
> if(!connection) {
>      die(sql_error());
> }
> I DO have a directory called lib in my root folder. am I calling the include
> wrong in that first piece. Note that I also tried the first one with a
> foward slash in front of the 'lib', but had no luck.
> help!
> chris

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