On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 7:47 PM, NaMarPi <nama...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I would like to use self and static operators inside a double quoted
> string,
> but do not find the way to accomplish that. Could you give me a right
> direction?
> http://3v4l.org/NDkdA
> class Foo {
>     public static $class_prop = 'Class_Property';
>     public $object_prop = 'Object_Property';
>     static function printClassProp() {
>         print 'prefix_' . self::$class_prop . '_postfix' . PHP_EOL;
>         print "prefix_{\\self::$class_prop}_postfix" . PHP_EOL;       //
> <-- issue here
>     }
>     function printObjectProp() {
>         print "prefix_{$this->object_prop}_postfix" . PHP_EOL;
>     }
> }
> $foo = new Foo;
> $foo->printObjectProp();
> Foo::printClassProp();

This is a bug/feature in php and is just not possible. Either use the
syntax you've used on the single quotes, or store the variable in a
temporary var before using the print.

- Matijn

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