I have a potential project coming up that would require a developer 
well-versed in PHP.   The site is largely an information site with 
some ecommerce, but there will be various extras like membership 
areas, password-protected logins, and other interesting things.

If you're interested, please reply to me with a plaintext resume and 
the URLs of sites you've built in PHP.  Graphic design experience 
isn't particularly important; a solid understanding of PHP and what 
can be done with it is much more so. (HTML skills are essential, 
though.)  It would be helpful to know about any tricks or features 
you've made with PHP that you're proud of, and, of course, I'd like 
to know your rate.

Unfortunately, while the project itself is on quite a reasonable 
timeline (work likely to be done beginning in September and 
continuing for several months), we need to identify a qualified PHP 
developer immediately--so if you are interested, please respond as 
soon as you can.

Best regards,

Maurice Rickard

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