On Jul 17, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Daniel Brown <danbr...@php.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Tedd Sperling <t...@sperling.com> wrote:
>> This is what I do for error checking:
>>        ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL | E_STRICT);
>>        ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
>>        ini_set('log_errors', 'On');
>>        ini_set('error_log', 'error_log');
>> Is this:
>> 1. Sufficient?
>> 2. An overkill?
>> 3. OK?
>> 4. OR, better served with this (and provide an example).
>    That's standard practice.  Sometimes, though, it isn't enough, and
> we find ourselves using Derick's Xdebug, mod_top, or performing an
> strace on either the execution or attached to a process.  For nearly
> all cases, though, that's sufficient without being overkill (except
> for production cases).


Thanks -- I always wondered about that.



PS: Of course, turned OFF for production. :-)


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