On 08/26/2013 11:36 AM, ma...@behnke.biz wrote:

Tamara Temple <tamouse.li...@gmail.com> hat am 26. August 2013 um 08:33

On Aug 25, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Ethan Rosenberg
<erosenb...@hygeiabiomedical.com> wrote:

Dear List -

I'm lost on this one -

This works -

$out = system("ls -l ",$retvals);
printf("%s", $out);

This does -

echo exec("ls -l");

Please show the output of the directory listing.
Please us "ls -la"

This does not -

if( !file_exists("/var/www/orders.txt"));
    $out = system("touch /var/www/orders.txt", $ret);

Maybe you don't have write permissions on the folder?

    $out2 = system("chmod 766 /var/www/orders.txt", $ret);
    echo 'file2<br />';
    echo file_exists("/var/www/orders.txt");

and this does not -

if( !file_exists("/var/www/orders.txt"));
    exec("touch /var/www/orders.txt");
    exec("chmod 766 /var/www/orders.txt");
    echo 'file2<br />';
    echo file_exists("/var/www/orders.txt");


When you say "does not work", can you show what is actually not working? I
believe the exec and system functions are likely working just fine, but that
the commands you've passed to them may not be.

Marco Behnke
Dipl. Informatiker (FH), SAE Audio Engineer Diploma
Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3

Tel.: 0174 / 9722336
e-Mail: ma...@behnke.biz

Softwaretechnik Behnke
Heinrich-Heine-Str. 7D
21218 Seevetal


Tamara -

> Please show the output of the directory listing.
> Please us "ls -la"

echo exec('ls -la orders.txt');

-rw-rw-rw- 1 ethan ethan 43 Aug 25 23:50 orders.txt

Maybe you don't have write permissions on the folder?

If I perform the touch and chmod from the command line, everything works.

>> When you say "does not work", can you show what is actually not working? I >> believe the exec and system functions are likely working just fine, but that
>> the commands you've passed to them may not be.

Here are my commands.

if( !file_exists("/var/www/orders.txt"));
echo system("touch /var/www/orders.txt", $ret);
echo system("chmod 766 /var/www/orders.txt", $ret);
echo 'file2<br />';
echo file_exists("/var/www/orders.txt");

If I now try a ls from the command line, the return is
 cannot access /var/www/orders.txt: No such file or directory

The ls -la  works because the file was created from the command line.



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