On Aug 26, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Ajay Garg <ajaygargn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have a scenario, wherein I need to do something like this ::
> ###############################################################
>        $original_url = "/autologin.php";
>        $username = "ajay";
>        $password = "garg";
>        header('Location: ' . $original_url);
> ###############################################################
> As can be seen, I wish to redirect to the URL "autologin.php".
> Additionally, I wish to pass two POST key-value pairs :: "user=ajay" and
> "password=garg" (I understand that passing GET key-value pairs is trivial).
> Is it  even possible?
> If yes, I will be grateful if someone could let me know how to redirect to
> a URL, passing the POST key-value pairs as necessary.
> Looking forward to a reply :)

Since this seems that it will not work, I'm wondering if you could take a step 
back for us and say what is it you're hoping to accomplish by this. Maybe 
there's a better way to get you what you need that is possible, and also will 
be good PHP. Describe your scenario in higher level terms, not how you'd 
implement it, but what the outcome you need is, and what the design goal is for 
the user.

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