On 11 Oct 2013, at 16:20, Nathan Grey <grey...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Stuart, Jose - Thanks for your quick response. Are you saying that the 
> processor echos all the html tags it sees. Is it doing something like this to 
> the script:
> echo <body>
> echo <h1>The first twenty Fibonacci numbers:</h1>
> echo <ul>
>      <?php
>        $first = 0;
>        $second = 1;
>        for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
>         ?>
> echo  <li><?php echo $first + $second ?></li>
>       <?php
>         $temp = $first + $second;        
>         $first = $second;
>         $second = $temp;
>       } ?>
> echo  </ul>
> echo  </body>
> Or is it just the line in question that is being echoed?

I'm not sure exactly what it gets compiled to, but I also don't see why it 
matters. All that matters is that content outside of PHP tags will simply get 


Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd

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