I've found that when I forget to start and end the include file's code with
<? and ?> it sometimes does exactly what you're getting.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Hubbard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 July 2001 01:42
Subject: [PHP] include ("foo.php") not working

I have a strange problem which I cannot seem to resolve.

I am running PHP 4.0.6 on my Mac OSX using apache and MySQL.

Everything works fine except for one problem.  Like many developers I make
extensive use of the include funtion but it does not seem to work correctly
on this installation.

when I include the statement <? include ("foo.php"); ?> then rather than
parsing the file and displaying the results the whole file is just dumped to
screen as a text file.  Interesting the same problem occurs whatever the
file extension so the same thing happens for foo.htm, foo.html and foo.txt!

I do not get this problem with my SUSE Linux 7.1 box which is also running
PHP, Apache and MySQL.

I did compile and make the PHP from the source.

Your help and advice would be much appreciated.



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