Oops!  I forgot to include the parameter...

function month_select($month)
        echo "<select name=\"month\">\n";

        $month_names = array(1 => "January", 2 => "February", 3 =>
                4 => "April", 5 => "May", 6 => "June", 7 => "July", 
                8 => "August", 9 => "September", 10 => "October", 
                11 => "November", 12 => "December");

        if(!isset($month)) $month = (int)strftime("%m");

        for($num_months = 0; $num_months < 12; $num_months++)
                echo "\t<option>" . $month_names[$month] .
                $month = ($month == 12? 1 : $month + 1);

        echo "</select>\n";

I didn't get a chance to test this, but you get the idea...

Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mario A. Salinas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 8:33 PM
Subject: [PHP] Trouble creating a list on months

Hello everyone,

This is my first posting.  I'm hoping someone can help figure this 
out.  I'm using a GNU licensed calendar but there is a bug in it's 
process for building a list of months.

The list is supposed to build a list of months starting with the 
current month and adding 11 months to the list.  In theory, If this 
is July the <select> should be as follows:


The process of building this list is done in a defined function in a 
'Required' inclusion of a file.

The problem is that the list gets built as follows:


The function gets called as follows:
<? month_select($month); ?>

$month is defined just before the (above) call as follows:
if(!isset($month)) $month=date("n");

The actual function is as follows:
function month_select($default=1) {

   $offset = date("n")-1;  // value used to be 'm'

   echo ("<select name=month 
   for($x=1;$x<=12;$x++) {
     $month = $x + $offset;
     if($month>12) $month -= 12;
     echo("<option value=$month");
     if($month==$default) echo(" selected");
   echo ("</select>");

Any Ideas what could be causing the problem?  I'm new to this and 
have been staring at it for a while.  Your help is greatly 

Thanks in advance,

Mario Salinas


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