Uh...this is just a guess, but could it be the line endings are 
confusing PHP? Perhaps you have DOS formatted files in Unix or Unix 
files in DOS or Mac files in DOS or DOS files in Mac or ...you get the 
idea... That is, in DOS lines are ended by \n\r, in Unix by \n, and in 
Mac by \r. Lacking the correct line endings often leads to confusion for 


Php Wannabe wrote:

> I recently just started using PHP. I searched this list's archives first, 
> but couldn't find an answer to my question:
> Whenever I get a "syntax error" it's always reported "on line 1", even 
> when it's obviously not on line 1. I *never* get an error reported on any 
> other line #.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks!

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