I created a little php script to run and display stuff on my browser for
When I run the command I get a blank page though.
I tested the syntax of my command in mysql and on phpMyAdmin to make sure
it worked.

Here is the code:
mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "password") or die("Could not

print ("Connected succesfully");  <----THIS DISPLAYS

mysql_selectdb("rtapd") or die("Could not select database");

print ("Selected database");   <-----THIS DISPLAYS

$query = "SELECT timestamp, msg_id, msg FROM pgr_msgs WHERE msg_id=2903092
AND timestamp >= 20010709000000 AND timestamp < 20010803000000";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query Failed");

print ("Query executed and returned"); <-----THIS DISPLAYS

while($row == mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

        $timestamp = $row["timestamp"];
        $msg_id = $row["msg_id"];
        $msg = $row["msg"];
        echo"   <br>
                Time: <b>$timestamp</b><br>
                Pager Number: <b>$msg_id</b><br>
                Message: $msg<br><br>";

Is there something specific in this code that would cause the page to
display blank?  (Blank except for the print statements at the top that
tell me whether it connected or not)

I do notice the page take awhile to load(the blank page)...it almost looks
like it is timing out maybe?

Thanks IN advance:)

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