On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 02:30:31PM +0200, Veniamin Goldin wrote:
> Sorry for the dummies question, but how do I insert into string like:
> echo "balalala"
>  how to insert function in the midle like :
> echo "balalala [trim(odbc_result($result_id,3))] aasasasas"
>  Thank you.

How about:

echo "balalala ".trim(odbc_result($result_id,3))." aasasasas";


echo "balalala [".trim(odbc_result($result_id,3))."] aasasasas";

depending on what you meant by the '[' and ']'.

This is just one of many possible ways of doing it. I, myself, am
not to happy with echo(). Don't ask me why, just a feeling... No
return value and stuff. I prefer using real functions that I can
check on being successful. So how about:

print ("balalala [".trim(odbc_result($result_id,3))."] aasasasas");


printf ("balalala [%s] aasasasas", trim(odbc_result($result_id,3)));

Well... as I said, many possibilities...


* R&zE:

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