If HTML would work this way then people would never stop guessing the
other's files to steal as you visit web pages.

answer: no. 
I'm curious now: perhaps, you can have a value attribute in it? But neither
that should be allowed.
Never tried myself.

Maxim Maletsky

-----Original Message-----
From: Parinda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 1:59 AM
Subject: [PHP] Regarding file upload using php

Hi !!

Can I upload a file to a server without using "<input type=file>" I don't
want to browse a file. My filename will be fixed & file will be present on
my local machine.

Please reply at the earliest as this is very urgent. 

Thanking you.

Please send me a reply at my address because I am not currently subscribed
to your list.

Software Group
Phil Systems Ltd.

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