On Wednesday 15 August 2001 10:07, Warren Vail wrote:
> The ability to select a set from a previously selected set is
> possible in Sybase because the database supports creation of
> temporary tables and the select insert.

No, you seem to have missed my point entirely. So I'll explain in a 
little more detail.

I run a stored procedure. Let's assume I run it from the interactive 
utility and not from PHP for the moment.


The database returns:

foo   bar
===   ===
10    20
30    40

field1   field2   field3
======   ======   ======
string   bla      15
nothing  bla      12

As you can see, it returns TWO result sets. One with two numeric 
columns. The next with three columns, the first two string and the 
last numeric.

This is, of course, just an example.

Now back to the web interface.

If I use PHP, I get only the first result set. That is, I write 
something along the lines of:

$rs = sybase_query( "SP_SOMETHING_OR_OTHER PARAM1 PARAM2 PARAM3", 
$conn );

while ( $row = sybase_fetch_row( $rs ) ) {

   echo $row[0]; // and so on


This will only display the results of the first result set - the one 
with the two fields, foo and bar.

There is no way for me to reach the second table generated by the 
query. This is supposed to be the significant table.

Now, in ASP, there is something like 

set rs = rs.NextResultSet

Which sets the rs to the second result set, the one with the three 
fields of mixed types, at which point you loop, just like above, and 
retrieve the new information. This method or an equivalent of it is 
not in the PHP documented set of Sybase functions.

I hope I made myself clearer. And by the way, you don't have to sell 
me on the uselessness of ASP, the general uselessness of Microsoft 
etc. - I don't use any Microsoft products, even at work.


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