Hi. I just joined the list and, of course, I have a question. I've
searched for quite a bit of time now, but to no avail.. mostly, I suspect,
because all the relevant search terms are to broad. But heres my problem:

I have a journal I whipped up and tweak often that uses PHP and MySQL (no
small club there. :p ). The functionality I'm trying to add right now is
to be able to enclose text in a <hide> tag (what? you didnt see that
"hide"? html and email just don't mix) and it will not be displayed in the
browser.  example:

I had a good day today. <hide>I shot the milkman. </hide>Tho nothign much

then i use:
$entry_hidden = eregi_replace("<hide>.+</hide>","<hidden>",$entry);

and this works just fine, replacing the "secret" text with a non-displayed
<hidden> tag. The problem arises when I use the tag 2 or more times:

Hey <hide>losers!</hide> I think that I <hide> do not</hide> like corn.

in this case, the above blurb gets outputted as:
hey <hidden> like corn.

So how do I make it stop pattern-matching when it reaches the first
instance of </hide>, and make it work properly for each subsequent set of
the tag?

This is prolly something pretty basic in regular expressions, but in my
limited working knowledge (and the 3 tutorials I've tried), it's not
addressed. searches in the archive, the php manual, and google have also
failed me. worthy list?

I thank you in advance and hope I can tolerate the mail volume long enough
to return the favor.


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