I need to put on the php_oci8.dll to run.

My Platform:

    Win2k Advanced Server
    IIS 5.0
    PHP 4.0.6 as an CGI (php.exe)

 The error it returns:

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.6 Content-type: text/html PHP Warning: Unable to load dynamic 
library 'C:\Inetpub\PHP\extensions\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not 
be found. in Unknown on line 0

Now it starts with a worse (I've copied again this dll): 
Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Inetpub\PHP\extensions\php_oci8.dll' - Access is 

I'm mad to make it work... Today!!


Ridai Govinda
+55 61 328 5871 

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