Well just to follow up, Apache was the culprit. There is an Apache 
timeout directive that was set to 300 s that I somehow missed  on my 
first glance.

The things that timeout, as far as I know, are PHP, Apache, and several 
commands within PHP (such as fsockopen()). The Apache directive is 
called Timeout, conveniently enough. It actually indicates the amount of 
time between successive TCP packet transmissions before a timeout 
occurs, which threw me for quite a loop. I could make a script which 
took 20 minutes to complete and get no timeouts anywhere, so I was 
convinced there was something wrong with my code. The difference was 
that this 20 min script outputted data along the way, so no timeouts 
ever occurred. The problem script didn't output anything until it was 
finished processing. Christian hit it on the nail. You can set the php 
timeout within the apache config file like so: php_value 
max_execution_time 120. This time is not real time, but the time the 
script actually gets access to cpu resources, or something like that. In 
my case, a setting of 30 was about 300 s.

I don't know if the browser itself will ever timeout as long as it makes 
the initial handshake.


On Thursday, August 23, 2001, at 09:43 AM, Johnson, Kirk wrote:

>> Why timeout at 300s instead of the 30s or the 12000s which
>>> are the only two values reported?
>> Looks like some HTTP timeout, i.e. either Apache or the browser is
>> getting bored. Try outputting something from time to time.
> Can anybody point me to information on all the possible HTTP timeouts 
> there
> are (Apache, browser, ???), or care to discuss it here? We occasionally 
> see
> "timeouts" that are not due to PHP, and I'm wondering where they are 
> coming
> from.
> Kirk
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University of Calgary

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