Hi All,

  I already spent too much time trying to solve this one by myself, so I am
in need of a little bit of help.

  I have a form with checkboxes, all with the same name (name="noticias[]").
When it is submited, only the selected checkboxes become a value on the
array $noticias on the next page. So:

<checkbox name="noticias[]" value="m" checked>
<checkbox name="noticias[]" value="w">

  $noticias will have only one value, 'm'. Right? I come to this conclusion,
but I might be wrong. The values are dinamic, which means not always certain
boxes will be checked or have the same value, form by form. So form X can
have 3 checkboxes with different values than form Y with 8 checkboxes.

  Okay. Now I need to compare the submited values with another 'parsed
string', or not if I took the wrong path from the beggining to solve this
problem. For example:

$string = 'w=1&r=0&m=0';
parse_str($string); // Will become $w = 1, $r = 0, etc...

  Back with the array $noticias, I need to compare the selected values with
the ones on the parsed string, still mantaining the parts equal to zero. If
array $noticias will only have values with the checked boxes, how can I
'update' the $string (returning a new one, for example) with the new checked
boxes and still maintain the ones that equals to zero, if the $string can
have an uncertain number of values after parsed?

  That's a hard one, I believe ;-)

  Say, just to clarify, another example:

$noticias = Array("m","d")
$string = "m=0&d=1&w=1&d=0";

  The resulted string would need to be: "m=1&d=1&w=0&d=0";

  A solution I am trying to unfold for dinamic (or uncertain) strings, it to
make a function that one of the parameters is the 'old string', which I
would pass to this function, to serve as a 'base' to be updated with the
values from the form array ($noticias).

  But I am stuck at the part where this old string is compared, and its
values are updated if the form's checkboxs are selected, or not.

  Am I missing some simple function from the manual that can do this for me?
If not, how can I accomplish this result?

  Thanks a lot if you read it until here ;-)


Julio Nobrega

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