I can't cope the fact that I loose my variables every time I reload the
page. If someone could point me to the right direction, I'd be grateful.

Present problem:

I have a script that has some globals (surprise). Within this script,
pretty deep in a function call tree, a function saves a query into an
array and saves it to a global. Then an user makes an selection and the
script reloads itself. After this I'd like to my hands on the saved
query, but the global variable where it's saved seems to get initialised
on reload. How to get around this? Sessions? I'm pretty new (a
forthnight and wery little documentation) to server side programming, so
I'm probably misunderstanding some basics.

Most of my problems are related to this area, so anyone bold enough to
anwer will probably pounded with several questions more.

Thank you in advance
Jon Thompson Coon

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