can anyone help?
safe mode is set to "0", which i believe is "off".

i put a chmod command in one of my scripts and got the
following error on running it:

Warning: chmod failed: Operation not permitted in
/path-here/index.phtml on line 1

why won't chmod work? 

the chmod command i used is: <?chmod("../index.phtml",
0646);write data to file that has been made
world-writable here; chmod("../index.phtml", 0644);}?>

the full error printout is:

Warning: chmod failed: Operation not permitted in
/path-here/index.phtml on line 1

Warning: fopen("../index.phtml","a") - Permission
denied in
/path here/index.phtml on line 1

Warning: Unable to find file identifier 0 in
/path here/index.phtml on line 2

Warning: chmod failed: Operation not permitted in
/path-here/index.phtml on line 2

I know the second error is because the file wasn't
made world-writable so it wasn't able to write to it,
i don't know what the third error is for

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