I have some checkboxes on a form.

Now I figured out how to store them in a database sandwiched together (like

However, what is the best method for storing them each in an individual

This is what I'd really like:

| userid | otherthing |
|    1     |    azu       |
|    1     |    cde       |
|    1     |    foo        |
|    2     |    bar        |

Would it be something like:

Count the number of things, then do

for($x = 0, $x <= $numberofthings; $x++) {

    $sql = "INSERT INTO table (userid, otherthing) VALUES ('$userid',

    $result = mysql_query($sql);

    if (!$result) { blaherrorchecking(); }


What do you all think of that?  Is it a good solution?  Lousy?  A hack job?
Is there a better way?

- k

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