This is probably a really stupid question. I've been reading info on
phpbuilder and at and I must just be missing something. What I
want to do is connect to a Progress Database on WinNT from a FreeBSD 4.3
server with PHP 4.0.6. Before I compiled PHP, I was under the impression
I needed iodbc. On my PHP info page, it shows this configure line: 

'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql'
'--with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql' '--enable-trans-sid'
'--with-curl=/usr/local/bin/curl' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-magic-quotes' 

However, as I scroll down the page, I find this info:


ODBC Support                            enabled
Active Persistent Links         0
Active Links                            0
ODBC library                            iodbc
ODBC_INCLUDE                            -I/usr/local/include
ODBC_LFLAGS                             -L/usr/local/lib
ODBC_LIBS                                       -liodbc

Directive                                       Local Value                            
 Master Value
odbc.allow_persistent                   On                                             
odbc.check_persistent                   On                                             
odbc.default_db                         no value                                       
 no value
odbc.default_pw                         no value                                       
 no value
odbc.default_user                       no value                                       
 no value
odbc.defaultbinmode                     return as is                            return 
as is
odbc.defaultlrl                         return up to 4096 bytes         return up to 
4096 bytes
odbc.max_links                          Unlimited                                      
odbc.max_persistent                     Unlimited                                      

Now, to me that looks like I could theoretically do what I want to,
correct? Any help with PHP + ODBC on FreeBSD would be much appreciated. Thanks,


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