Jason Wilson wrote:

>I'm compiling PHP and have a request from one of my developers for MSSQL
>support in mod_php (4.0.6). However, I don't see a configure option for
>MSSQL. Is there a *secret* configure option or are the MSSQL functions
>built in by default?
>| +-----+ Digitally Enhanced    | 
>| |-O-O-| Portrait of:          | 
>| |  %  | Jason Wilson,         | 
>| | --- | Systems Administrator |
>| +-----+ Nextron, Inc.         |
No offense, but I hope that's not a good likeness.  :)

There's no secret - there's no *real* way of doing MSSQL stuff from 
which it seems you're trying to do - ("mod_php").

PHP doesn't include anything by default (bear with me) - it basically 
other code libraries for their functionality.  Obviously for basic stuff 
variable manipulation it does it itself - but things like PDF creation, 
database handling, etc. -
those are all libraries that get compiled in.  

MS doesn't make DB libraries available for unix platforms.  I know
some larger companies buy access to them and create their own commercial
products, but there's no official MS stuff out there.  That's why I said 
'real' way.


Our local genius Brian Bruns reverse engineered the TDS protocol which 
is what
MS uses to talk between clients and servers.  His project is located at 
freetds.org.  We've
used it fine talking from a RedHat 6.2 box to multiple SQL7.0 machines 
on NT4.  
I say he's our local genius cause he presents at our local LUG and PHP 
user groups
on occasion.  One hell of a nice guy.  :)

FreeTDS will be sufficient for most of your MSSQL needs if you need to 
from Linux/Unix.

Good luck.  :)

Michael Kimsal
PHP Training Courses

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