<Original message>
From: Ker Ruben Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 10:16:01PM -0700
Message-ID: <016101c1425c$819cdcd0$bb05aacb@weblinqproxy>
Subject: Re: [PHP] simple question...

> again.. one more thing.... How do I know how many days date differ? let's
> say '2001-09-01' and '2001-09-08'.
> Just looking for the fastest way of code to run.

</Original message>


The sample code below does pretty much what you want. BUT!!! It's
not a very nice solution...
Eg it cannot calculate a difference of more than one year :(
Furthermore I must point out that there is no error-checking in this
example. So if you _do_ want to use this, you'll have to add the
Sorry that it's not a really good solution, but due to lack of time,
I could not think of anything better right now...

--- PHP Example Code ---

$dateOne = "2001-09-01";
$dateTwo = "2001-09-08";

ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})", $dateOne, $match_1);
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})", $dateTwo, $match_2);

$stampOne = mktime (0,0,0,$match_1[2],$match_1[3],$match_1[1]);
$stampTwo = mktime (0,0,0,$match_2[2],$match_2[3],$match_2[1]);

$days_differ = date("z", ($stampTwo-$stampOne));
print ("Days: $days_differ");

--- End of PHP Example Code ---



* R&zE:

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-- Renze Munnik
-- DataLink BV
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-- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
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