You want to parse the non blank lines out of the blank lines?

"Dominica Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a text file that is formatted as such
> Something - SomethingElse
> <4 blank lines>
> SomethingMore
> <4 blank lines>
> Something - SomethingElse
> <4 blank lines>
> SomethingMore
> <4 blank lines>
> and so on
> Anyone have any ideas on what I would use to get this
> into seperate
> records that are $Something, $SomethingElse,
> $SomethingMore for displaying
> in php or even importing into mysql?
> I would even go for $Something and just $SomethingMore
> with $Something
> really being $Something-$SomethingElse. I don't know
> if that makes sense.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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