Yes, I absolutely suck as a Graphic Designer.

There will not be any pretty charts, graphics, or nifty layouts in the
course.  We're talking raw, bare-bones, text-edited HTML.  No Dream-Weaver,
no FrontPage, no Homesite, etc.  Even the Flash and PDF stuff will be rude,
crude, and very austere (at best).

The point is to get something cool/dynamic so that a designer can do their
magic to make it pretty.  Or, rather, to teach Graphic Designers enough PHP
to embody *both* sides of their brain and put all us geeks out of work :-)

You are, however, correct, that I should have hired somebody to make the
sites prettier.  I wish I had the time/budget for that, but I don't at the
moment.  (I do kinda like the logo, which, of course, I out-sourced.)  Oh,
and the Universe of the l-i-e site changes each time you re-load :-)

If you want to learn graphic design and layout, for sure, don't come.  If
you want to learn how to do PHP and you're in a hurry, it's probably worth
your time/money.

OTOH, if you have months to learn, start reading, all the
code archives, the 100+/day messages to this list like I have for the last 4
years, maybe a couple of the books I Tech-edited, pay a few thousand bucks
to attend the various PHP Conferences I've been to, and you'll be set...

I think it's worth $800 to have all that smushed into two days, but if I'm
wrong, I reckon we'll see this endeavor fold.  If I'm right, expect the
low-budget site-design to improve rather quickly. :-)

Perhaps a more representative sample of my sites with decent (albeit still
*very* low-budget) design would be: (Technically, I did the design, but sometimes less is

These also have rather extensive admin back-end sites since the cafe owner
(first URL) and 200+ members (second URL) and the musicians (4th/5th) do all
the data-entry and routine updates of content like menus and calendars for
those sites.  I'm a firm believer in self-serve dynamic web-sites for
low-budget clients who can't afford a huge re-work every year or two like
Corporate America.

I mostly work for starving musicians who literally have to scrape for the
$20/month hosting fees, and focus on content, not presentation.  It's the
music that matters to them.  (I don't work with the Britney Spears' of the
industry -- Not interested.)

I'm actually targetting Graphic Designers who want to learn programming
concepts and techniques, not the other way around. :-)  Still, it seemed
relevant to post here.  Sorry I offended your sensibilities.

PS  Your blasphemy was only that I've been around for four or five years,
and some people actually like me for some reason [shrug] :-) :-) :-)  I'm
certainly not offended.  You have to work way harder than that to offend me.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Nowayman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Boot Camp [Announcement]

> OOOH, touched a nerve...
> I'm sorry to have <i>blasphemed</i>.
> I was just making an observation that the sites he produced were
> pretty lame. I was just suggesting that even if he was such a hot-shot
> PHP guru, he'd want to have some sort of "niceness" about the sites
> he produces.
> I am, honestly, just beginning with PHP but have rpogrammed in other
> languages for several years. But that doesn't make me a bad web site
> designer. I am helping to design an E-Commerce instruction class and
> intend on making PHP one of the main topics. IT will be similar to the
> BootCamp but over a number of weeks .vs 2-days.
> I guess I should have included a few hunderd :) so you folks wouldn't have
> taken it so seriously.
> >     Listen jackass, Richard is a PHP Programmer, not a Web Designer.
> > time you feel like flaming back, do me a favor, shove both feet in your
> > mouth first.
> >

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