<Original message>
From: pierre-yves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 08:41:24AM -0400
Message-ID: <007301c14688$8d9b0d10$0100a8c0@py>
Subject: [PHP] header() confusion

> Hello,
> several months ago I discovered that under some IE 4.0 and upgrades of 4.0 the 
>header() function would simply not redirect if 
> you don't put exit() right after the header() call.  Now I'm discovering that 
>header() does not work under netscape 6 if you put 
> exit() right after!
> How come this function is so dependant of the client? How can I avoid all this mess? 
>Has anyone experience this?
> py

</Original message>


It's not dependent on the client. The script just simply doesn't
stop after header(). It's just a bit strange that it worked with
some other browsers. Everything after header() will just be executed

- an error occurs
- the script reaches the end
- exit;

So... when redirecting the user to a different page, you should
always put exit after the header() call.



* R&zE:

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