On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, scott [gts] wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I thought i'd ask for your comments on how you'd code this
> common perl code with PHP:
> $value = some_function() or return 0;
> i usually code my functions to return 0 or "" on error, but
> have to use the following code to handle it... neither seem
> like a good solution to me.
> this way decreses the readability of the code:
> if (!$value = some_function)
>       return 0;
> and this way adds an unnecessary if() statement:
> $value = some_function()
> if (!$value) {
>       return 0;
> }

    The last way is how you would do it...  And FYI, its an extra if
    statement in the Perl code too (speed wise)...


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