
my problem is this:  i'm using a while loop to check elements in an
Array for valid email syntax.  if $User[0] is a valid email address but
$User[1] is not, the code for $User[0] is still executed before the die
statement.  i need my loop to finish checking ALL array elements for
validity, and to then die BEFORE any further code is executed.  here's
what i have now (it doesn't work):

//loop to check for bad email addresses:
$j = 0;
$flag = 0;
while ($j < count($User)){
        $flag = 1;
        $errorNo = $j + 1;
//die if flag is 1
if ($flag = 1) {
    die ("<p align='center'><b>Email #$errorNo is not a valid e-mail
href='javascript:window.history.back();'>Please return and correct
else {

any suggestions would be great!

thanks much,


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