"Lasse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it just me or is this site blazingly fast? Are you using some
> cache-tricks or something? Or du you just have an over-powered
> server?
> I could use a bit of speed at my own site.. :-)

You'll probably be surprised to know that the server is a Cobalt RaQ4,
marketed by Sun as a "server appliance".  The box has a 450 mHz processor
and 1/2 GB of RAM.  It's hardly a cutting edge server in terms of processor
speed, though I've been fairly pleased with the RaQ line since its inception
and continue to work with them heavily since I do a fair amount of server
administration and application development for hosting companies and other
businesses running RaQs.  The perceived speed is partly due to the fact that
the box operates under a modest load, is in a data center with good
connectivity and your browser likely caches the images which are shared
among all pages.  There is no server-side caching.  All of the content on it
is generated dynamically, though I could easily create static pages for that
particular site.  I'm also a big fan of controlling related web pages from a
single PHP script by configuring Apache to point requests to this script
using the AliasMatch directive so that the end user and search engines
thinks the content is static and the URLs don't get cluttered with ugly
query strings.  However that doesn't improve speed, it actually degrades it.

Hope that helps,

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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