"Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 100 lines of 200 chars each is 20000 which is 20K which is chump change
> RAM...
> Unless you are on a super busy page on a super high-volume server, just
> file() it.
> If you're on a super busy page on a super high-volume server, file() it
> anyway, and then ap benchmark it to see if it's "slim enough" -- And if
> profile it to be sure it's the file() that's killing you, not something
> else.

    I realized it was insignificant amount of memory, but I
    wasn't sure about whether this was ok or not in a server
    environment.  I will use file() and investigate further if it
    seems slow.  Thanks.

John A. Grant  * I speak only for myself *  (remove 'z' to reply)
Radiation Geophysics, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
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