Summary: when I write scripts using sessions and run them on my web host the
session is created, a session file is opened, but the session file is 0
bytes and therefore the session variables are not being passed.  When the
tech support guys at the host run the same script they work, even when
dialing out through an external isp.  They run the same scripts and the
session file is created with the session variables intact.

When I run my scripts on a different hosting company, or using the Apache
server on my local machine, they process fine.

I set up two test scripts to try and resolve this, but after three days of
trying, and many hours expended by both myself and the host's tech support,
we find no reason.  We have tested different browsers, locations, ISP's,
OS's.  We've ruled out a cookie problem, so no need to go there.

Here are the two test scripts I've set up:

$test_var = "Testing 1-2-3...";

print "the content of \$test_var is $test_var<BR>";

<A HREF="page2.php">Next Page</A>

(end of page1.php)

Here's page2.php
print "the content of \$test_var is $test_var<BR>";

$count = count($HTTP_SESSION_VARS);

print "the count of elements in \$HTTP_SESSION_VARS is $count";

print "<BR>the session id is: " . $PHPSESSID;

print "<BR>" . $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['test_var'] ;

If you run these scripts you may get correct results, but I and other test
users at different locations using different machines get the session id,
but a count of 0 elements in $HTTP_SESSION_VARS and therefore nothing is

If you want to look at how the php is set up, you can go to this link:

Any help would really be appreciated.  I've posted this on two PHP forums
without a solution being found.


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