Hi all,

I'm using jm_sms class in mysql 
do....while($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) loop.
the class is running fine for the first time. But when it is called for the 
second time i'm
getting an error saying "cant redeclare the class". How to make this class 
work within
a loop.

i'm attaching the files if u want to look inside.

any help is highly appreciated.


<TITLE> Welcome to SMS reminder . . . . .  </TITLE>


$custime= date("H:i");
list($ahour, $amin) = explode(":",$custime);
$sql="select * from sms where taskdate='$datestamp' and hour(tasktime)='$ahour' and 
minute(tasktime)='$amin' and delivered !='Y'";
        // Example script using jm_sms class

        $email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";        // MTNSMS login email address
        $password = "rascal";           // MTNSMS password
        $number = "+91" . $myrow["cellno"];             // GSM phone number to send to
        $signature = "SAGAR SMS";               // Signature for text message
        $message = $myrow["smstext"];;  // Content of text message
        $debug = FALSE;                 // Debugging messages not displayed

        // Add additional accounts if required
        // $jm_sms->addLogin( "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "password2" );
        // $jm_sms->addLogin( "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "password3" );
        include( "class.jm_sms.php" );
        $jm_sms = new jm_sms( $email, $password, $debug );
        // Add Proxy Server details if required
        // $jm_sms->setProxyServer( "proxyserver" );
        // $jm_sms->setProxyPort( 81 );
        // $jm_sms->setProxyUser( "proxyusername" );
        // $jm_sms->setProxyPass( "proxypassword" );
        // $jm_sms->setProxy( TRUE );

        $jm_sms->sendSMS( $number, $signature, $message );              


        jm_sms 0.7 21/09/01
        Copyright (C) 2001 James McGlinn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        jm_sms is a class for sending GSM text messages via the
        free web-based service at http://www.mtnsms.com/.
        Updates can be found at http://james.mcglinn.org/jm_sms/.

        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
        modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
        as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
        of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
        (See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        0.7  21/09/01  Randomised login array for faster sending
                  when over quota on first account.
                  Speed optimisations in network code
                       thanks to Mike Petrov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
        0.6  06/06/01  Added check for incorrect login details.
        0.5  31/05/01  Proxy support added
                       thanks to Bas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
        0.4  28/05/01  Provision for multiple mtnsms accounts.
                       Bug fix for accounts defaulting to smsxtra.
        0.3  27/04/01  New debug option outputs status data.
        0.2  24/04/01  Re-attempts connection if server is busy.
        0.1  23/04/01  Initial release.
class jm_sms {

        var $server;
        var $cookies;
        var $login;
        var $curUrl;
        var $debug = FALSE;
        var $proxyServer;
        var $proxyPort;
        var $proxyUser;
        var $proxyPass;
        var $proxy = FALSE;

        function getServer() { return $this->server; }
        function setServer( $server ) { return $this->server = $server; }
        function getCurUrl() { return $this->curUrl; }
        function setCurUrl( $curUrl ) { return $this->curUrl = $curUrl; }
        function getDebug() { return $this->debug; }
        function setDebug( $debug ) { return $this->debug = $debug; }
        function getProxyServer() { return $this->proxyServer; }
        function setProxyServer( $proxyServer ) { return $this->proxyServer = 
$proxyServer; }
        function getProxyPort() { return $this->proxyPort; }
        function setProxyPort( $proxyPort ) { return $this->proxyPort = $proxyPort; }
        function getProxyUser() { return $this->proxyUser; }
        function setProxyUser( $proxyUser ) { return $this->proxyUser = $proxyUser; }
        function getProxyPass() { return $this->proxyPass; }
        function setProxyPass( $proxyPass ) { return $this->proxyPass = $proxyPass; }
        function getProxy() { return $this->proxy; }
        function setProxy( $proxy ) { return $this->proxy = $proxy; }

        function jm_sms( $username, $password, $debug = FALSE ) {
                if( $debug ) $this->setDebug( TRUE );
                $this->login = array();
                $this->cookies = array();
                $this->addLogin( $username, $password );
                $this->setServer( "www.mtnsms.com" );
                $this->setCurUrl( "http://"; . $this->getServer() . "/" );

        function addLogin( $username, $password ) {
                $this->login[$username] = $password;
                return 1;

        function shuffleLogins() {
                $arrayOrig = $this->login;
                $arrayKeys = array();
                $arrayNew = array();
                while( list( $key, $value ) = each( $arrayOrig ) )
                        $arrayKeys[] = $key;
                srand( (double) microtime() * 1000000 );
                shuffle( $arrayKeys );
                srand( (double) microtime() * 1000000 );
                shuffle( $arrayKeys );
                while( list( $key, $value ) = each( $arrayKeys ) )
                        $arrayNew[$value] = $arrayOrig[$value];
                $this->login = $arrayNew;

        function getUsername() {
                $username = key( $this->login );
                return $username;

        function getPassword() {
                $password = current( $this->login );
                return $password;

        function nextLogin() {
                if( next( $this->login ) != FALSE )
                        return TRUE;
                        return FALSE;

        function getCookies() {
                $cookies = implode( "; ", $this->cookies );
                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Found cookies: " . $cookies . 
                return implode( "; ", $this->cookies );

        function setCookies( $cookie ) {
                $cookie = substr( $cookie, 0, strpos( $cookie, ";" ) );
                if( substr( $cookie, 0, 14 ) == "mtnsms%2Ep%2E2" )
                        $this->cookies[0] = $cookie;
                else if( substr( $cookie, 0, 14 ) == "mtnsms%2Et%2E2" )
                        $this->cookies[1] = $cookie;
                        $this->cookies[] = $cookie;
                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Set cookie: " . $cookie . "\n";

        function postUrl( $url, $formdata ) {
                $url = "http://"; . $this->getServer() . $url;
                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: URL for POST: " . $url . "\n";
                $data =  "POST " . $url . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
                $data .= $this->generateHttpHeader();
                $data .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
                $data .= "Content-Length: " . strlen( $formdata ) . "\r\n\r\n";
                $data .= $formdata;
                do {
                        $errno = 0;
                        $fp = @fsockopen( ( 
$this->getProxy()?$this->getProxyServer():$this->getServer() ), ( 
$this->getProxy()?$this->getProxyPort():80 ), $errno, $errstr, 30 );
                        if( $this->getDebug() && $errno ) echo "jm_sms: Retrying 
Failed POST (" . $errno . "): " . $errstr . "\n";
                        if( $errno ) sleep( 1 );
                } while( $errno );
                $result = "";
                fputs( $fp, $data );
                while( !feof( $fp ) )
                        $result .= fgets( $fp, 128 );
                fclose( $fp );
                $this->setCurUrl( "http://"; . $this->getServer() . $url );
                return $result;

        function getUrl( $url ) {
                $url = "http://"; . $this->getServer() . $url;
                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: URL for GET: " . $url . "\n";
                $data =  "GET " . $url . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
                $data .= $this->generateHttpHeader() . "\r\n";
                do {
                        $errno = 0;
                        $fp = @fsockopen( ( 
$this->getProxy()?$this->getProxyServer():$this->getServer() ), ( 
$this->getProxy()?$this->getProxyPort():80 ), $errno, $errstr, 30 );
                        if( $this->getDebug() && $errno ) echo "jm_sms: Retrying 
Failed GET (" . $errno . "): " . $errstr . "\n";
                        if( $errno ) sleep( 1 );
                } while( $errno );
                $result = "";
                fputs( $fp, $data );
                while( !feof( $fp ) )
                        $result .= fgets( $fp, 128 );
                fclose( $fp );
                $this->setCurUrl( "http://"; . $this->getServer() . $url );
                return $result;

        function generateHttpHeader() {
                $data  = "Referer: " . $this->getCurUrl() . "\r\n";
                $data .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 
                $data .= "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
image/png, */*\r\n";
                $data .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
                $data .= "Accept-Language: en\r\n";
                $data .= "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8\r\n";
                $data .= "Cookie: " . $this->getCookies() . "\r\n";
                $data .= "Host: " . $this->getServer() . "\r\n";
                $data .= "Cache-Control: max-age=259200\r\n";
                $data .= "Connection: close\r\n";
                if( $this->getProxy() )
                        $data .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode( 
$this->getProxyUser() . ":" . $this->getProxyPass() ) . "\r\n";
                return $data;

        function parseRedirect( $HttpHeader ) {
                $headerParts = explode( "\r\n", $HttpHeader );
                $cookies = array();
                while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $headerParts ) ) {
                        if( substr( $val, 0, 10 ) == "Location: " )
                                $location = substr( $val, 10 );
                        else if( substr( $val, 0, 12 ) == "Set-Cookie: " )
                                $this->setCookies( substr( $val, 12 ) );
                if( substr( $location, 0, 7 ) == "http://"; ) {
                        $location = substr( $location, 7 );
                        $this->setServer( substr( $location, 0, strpos( $location, "/" 
) ) );
                        $location = substr( $location, strpos( $location, "/" ) );
                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Found HTTP Redirect To: " . 
$location . "\n";
                return $location;

        function login() {
                $command = "username=" . urlencode( $this->getUsername() ) . 
"&password=" . $this->getPassword() . "&email=++&joinusclick=no&returl=&x=48&y=36";
                $result = $this->postUrl( "/session.asp", $command );
                $redirectUrl = $this->parseRedirect( $result );
                // check for incorrect login details
                if( strstr( $redirectUrl, "/registration/" ) != "" ) {
                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Username " . 
$this->getUsername() . " unknown.\n";
                        if( $this->nextLogin() ) {
                                return $this->login();
                        } else
                                return FALSE;
                } else if( strstr( $redirectUrl, "err=204" ) != "" ) {
                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Password for " . 
$this->getUsername() . " incorrect.\n";
                        if( $this->nextLogin() ) {
                                return $this->login();
                        } else
                                return FALSE;
                $this->getUrl( $redirectUrl );
                if( $redirectUrl == "/members/contacts/contacts.asp" ) {
                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Retrieved contacts.asp, 
now retrieving xsms.asp\n";
                        $this->getUrl( "/sms/xsms.asp" );
                return TRUE;

        function sendSMS( $gsmNumber, $signature, $message ) {
                if( $this->login() == FALSE ) {
                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Unable to log in.\n";
                        return FALSE;
                $command = "smsToCTs=&smsToNumbers=" . urlencode( $gsmNumber ) . 
"&smsMessage=" . urlencode( $message ) . "&smsSig=1&smsSigDyna=" . urlencode( 
$signature ) . "&msgCL=138&lenSSig=4&lenLSig=3&lenSysSig=11";
                $result = $this->postUrl( "/sms/xsms.asp", $command );
                if( strstr( $result, "<b>message sent to " ) ) {
                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: SMS Message Sent 
                        return TRUE;
                } else {
                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: SMS Send Failed\n";
                        if( strstr( $result, "Daily message quota exceeded." ) ) {
                                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Quota for 
current user exceeded.\n";
                                if( $this->nextLogin() ) {
                                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: 
Advancing to next user.\n";
                                        return $this->sendSMS( $gsmNumber, $signature, 
$message );
                                } else {
                                        if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: No more 
configured users.\n";
                                        return FALSE;
                        return FALSE;

        function logout() {
                if( $this->getDebug() ) echo "jm_sms: Logging out.\n";
                $this->getUrl( "/logout.asp" );
                return 1;

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