why are you using 

25/10/2001 00:41:45, Marcus James Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>As mainly a designer w/ HTML and JS php is usually just an end of site
>add on to process forms and I LOVE php!
>I've been away from PHP coding for about a month and I can't figure out
>what I'm forgetting here is partial of the form, the php handler, and
>the final email I get. If you see some syntax I'm botching let me know
><form action="../php/dc_rif_handler.php" method="post">
><select name="title">
><option selected>Title...</option>
><tr><td align="right"><font color="330000"><b>*First Name:</td>
><td><input type="text" name="fname" size="48"></td></tr>
><tr><td align="right"><font color="330000"><b>*Last Name:</td>
><td><input type="text" name="lname" size="48"></td></tr>
><tr><td align="right"><font color="330000"><b>*Mailing Address:</td>
><td><input type="text" name="m_address" size="48"></td></tr>
><tr><td align="right"><font color="330000"><b>*City, State, Zip:</td>
><td><input type="text" name="city_state_zip" size="48"></td></tr>
>Your form has been proccessed and sent to ...
>$to = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ;
>$subject = "A Dale Commons web site visitor is requesting information!";
>$message_raw = "My name is $fname, $lname
>\r$r1a, $r2a, $r3a\r$r1b\rhere is my contact information:\r$title,
>$fname, $lname, \r$m_address,\r$city_state_zip,\rPhone Number:
>$phone\rFax: $fax\rThe best time to call is $time_to_call\rMy email
>address is $e_address";
>$message_stripped = stripslashes($message_raw);
>mail ($to, $subject, $message_stripped, "From:
>My name is ,
>, ,
>I am looking for a loved one.
>here is my contact information:
>, , ,
>Phone Number:
>The best time to call is
>My email address is
>What in the world? Did I forget everything PHP taught me? What the heck
>are those weird commas from and I could swear a form element named
>"xname"  is called in php via $xname   ???
>Please let me know what you see,
>PS, I just ran phpinfo(); on my server and it looks like all the others
>that work.
>Marcus James Christian UNLIMITED
>Multimedia Internet Design
>Proudly presents the music of CHROMATICUS
>at http://www.mp3.com/chromaticus
>and http://chromaticus.com
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