Please define "long", and perhaps think of that in the context of the RFC ?822 is it?

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: 25 October 2001 17:38
Subject: [PHP] Truncating Lines

> Hi,
> I have the following code, which reads in an html file
> $fd = fopen("somefile.html", "r");
> while (!feof($fd)) {
>   $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096);
>   $body .= $buffer;
> }
> fclose($fd);
> I am then mailing this:
>  if (mail($username." <".$email.">", $mailsubject, $body, "From:
> ".$Fromname." <".$Fromaddress.">\nContent-Type: text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1
> "))
> All works fine, except when a particular line in the html file is unusually
> long. Where this is the case, the mail gets sent but the long line truncates
> (the last character on the line being ! (exclamation mark)) followed by the
> remainder of the line on a new line. This obviously causes problems when
> trying to display the HTML.
> Strangely though, if the recipient of the mail is a local user (i.e. a user
> residing on this box), the line does not truncate and the HTML source
> remains intact. Equally, if I write out the contents of $body to the screen,
> the HTML source is intact.
> I suspect Sendmail may be the culprit, but I'm not sure.
> I realise I could keep my HTML source lines to a certain length, however
> these are often created dynamically so it's not that straight forward.
> -- 
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