Here is my problem once again... =P I am wondering if I should change the
date table to something other than date... maybe something like date_1?
Would doing that resolve my issue, because of the fact that the date
variable in php is function? Thanks in advance...

/* Form to supply variables */
<form name="auth" method="post" action="http://path/to/search.php";>
                          <p>Search for Ads</p>
                          First name:
                          <input type="text" name="fname">
                          Last name:
                          <input type="text" name="lname">
                          Area Code:&nbsp;
                          <input type="text" name="phonea" size="3"
                          <input type="text" name="phone" size="8"
                          <input type="text" name="date">
                            <input type="submit" name="login"
                            <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset">

Once user clicks submit button it links to this php script to connect, query
and display results... eveything works fine except for the date variables.
If anyone with a little more know how can point me out the error I would
greatly appriciate it.

/* php script to connect, query and display results */

mysql_connect ("db_host", "db_username", "db_password") or die("Couldn't

mysql_select_db ("db_name") or die("Couldn't select database");

if ($fname == "")
{$fname = '%';}
if ($lname == "")
{$lname = '%';}
if (phonea == "")
{$phonea = '%';}
if ($phone == "")
{$phone = '%';}
if ($date == "")
{$date = '%';}

$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ads
                         WHERE fname LIKE '%$fname%' AND lname LIKE
'%$lname%' AND phonea LIKE '%$phonea%' AND phone LIKE '%$phone%' AND date
LIKE '%$date%'");

if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

do {
  PRINT "Your search results: <br><br>";
  PRINT "<b>First Name:     </b> ";
  print $row["fname"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Last Name:     </b> ";
  print $row["lname"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Address:     </b> ";
  print $row["address"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>City:     </b> ";
  print $row["city"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>State:     </b> ";
  print $row["state"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Zip:     </b> ";
  print $row["zip"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Area Code:     </b> ";
  print $row["phonea"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Phone:     </b> ";
  print $row["phone"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Email:     </b> ";
  print $row["email"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Weeks:     </b> ";
  print $row["weeks"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>City 1:     </b> ";
  print $row["cty1"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>City 2:     </b> ";
  print $row["cty2"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>City 3:     </b> ";
  print $row["cty3"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Ad:     </b> ";
  print $row["ad"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Total:     </b> ";
  print $row["total"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Number of weeks:     </b> ";
  print $row["num"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Date:     </b> ";
  print $row["date"];
  print ("<br>");
  PRINT "<b>Time:     </b> ";
  print $row["time"];
  print ("<br>");
  print ("<hr>");
} while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));
} else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";}


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