On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 15:16, Scott Dudley wrote:
> i'm new to php and need some advice.  i have a site currently composed
> of static pages generated via a c program.  i want to convert the site
> to php.  the first page is an explorer-like table listing summary
> information.  when a user clicks on a row in this table, they're taken
> to a detail page which presents the same information contained in the
> table of the calling page as well as a verbose description and an
> image.  being a neophyte, my quandry is this... i have to select all of
> the data from my database table to render the explorer-like table and

That's probably not exactly the case; there would presumably be no reason 
why you couldn't just select those details you want for the summary table?

> since i've already hit the database, don't want to have to do so again
> for the detail page.  is there a standard way to handle such a thing? 
> i don't want to depend on cookies or any client-side cacheing mechanism
> but want to keep it server side.  the hosting service supports only
> php3.
> any and all recomendations appreciated.
> here's the site so you can see what i'm talking about:
> http://your-az-realtor.com

Out of curiosity, why do you not want to make multiple accesses to the 
DB? It would seem to be the easiest, and probably best way of dealing 
with the problem.

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   Earth was interesting, and worth the money I paid for it.

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