Hi everybody, this is my first time writing in this list.

I have the next problem:

I have a page called


and when I log in,  there's a new page who receive the user and the
password, and this page is called


This page, check if the user have a valid account and a password; and if
this is OK, then make a session for the user. This work OK; but, from the
main.php I go to a link in the same page, but with a new parameter, for
example:  <a href="main.php?option=1"> and the page showme another screen
(because this new screen only appears when I put the "option=1" as
parameter); and this also OK.
The problem appears when I make click on the BACK BUTTON from my browser,
and the browser go back from "main.php?option=1" to the "main.php" page, and
get me a error:
            the page was expire, you have to click REFRESH button on your
browser to send the information again.
(( or sometime like that; I don't remember the exacts words, 'cause is a
spanish Internet Explorer ))

Can somebody helpme with this problem?


Gustavo Pereira

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