Stefan wrote:

> Is there a way to have different .ini-files for each VirtualHost?
> Apache is used as webserver

Not really really, but you *CAN* do Apache's include (#include?  <Include>? 
???...)  There's *some* way of including other files anyway, even if I'm 
not enough of a guru to know what it is...  I think maybe you just type the 
pathname of the file in there and it gets sucked in...

So you'd have your master php.ini for the system-wide defaults, and then 
for each VirtualHost you can include a php.ini that does:

php_value include_path "./:/home/HOSTNAME/include"

and other php_value, php_flag, and EVEN php_admin_value settings.

!!!  S E C U R I T Y   A L E R T  !!!
NOTE:  Since this *IS* being included directly into httpd.conf, allowing 
end-users direct access to edit it will give them way, way, way too much 
power to mess up your server...

The relative benefits and risks must be assessed for *YOUR* situation, but 
if you're an ISP, you would only want to do this with files only *YOU* can 
edit, or you'd want to provide an interface to end-users to extremely limit 
their editing capabilities somehow.

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