1. what do you want the <br> tags to be? a simple str_replace('<br>','',$text)
will strip the tags...
2. use <pre> html text </pre>


Lerp wrote:

> I have a small php app that I'm building to display, insert, edit, etc...
> various types of code snipits (asp, php, html, etc...) in a db. I also have
> a download option that creates a text file with the code that they've
> selected.
> I have 2 problems...the first is that when I go to view the text file I have
> all sorts of <BR> tags within the text, this is due to the nl2br function I
> used prior to the db insertion. How would I get rid of those?
> The seond problem is when a user goes to view an html code example on the
> webpage, say with
> a hyperlink, the hyperlink is made active replacing the code with the actual
> <a href> tag.
> Thx in advance, Lerp
> --
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