Comment that line again, and add .php3 to:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3

This will tell apache to use PHP4 for both .php and .php3 files.

Justin England                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator                   
E-Net Information Services    
Tel: 605-341-3638                       Fax: 605-341-8880

On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, EDUMEXICO wrote:

> Hi all, I'm using PHP version 4 (module) with no problems in a Debian box, but today 
>I download PHPlib;  I installed as the README file told me, but all the files have 
>the extension php3, and when I try to open with my browser I it tell me to save the 
>file to disc.
> I uncomment the next line in srm.conf:
> AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
> and restart apache without luck. I don't want to downgrade to PHP3, so is there a 
>way of solve this using PHP4? Thanks for your help.
> -- 
> Mauricio Téllez Jiménez
> Seguimiento Técnico EDUMEXICO
> Zamora No. 25, Col. Centro
> C.P. 91000, Xalapa, Ver.
> Tel. 52(28)17-86-87, 17-73-80
> Fax. 52(28)18-64-13

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