A fellow wannabe Winston Cup driver :)
I'm thinking about setting a switch on $mode, which will change what it 
does based on the value of $mode. Something like this:

$mode = 1; // 1 for stripping text, 2 for adding driver results, 3 for 
adding race results
$file = file('/path/to/filename');
foreach ($file as $line) {
    switch ($mode)  {
        case 1: if (preg_match("/^ *[0-9][0-9]*  */", $line)) {
                   $mode = 2;
                   // split line up with explode() and enter it into db  
        case 2: if (!preg_match("/^ *[0-9]* */", $line)) {
                   $mode = 3;
                } else {
                    // split line up with explode() and enter it into db
        case 3: if (preg_match("^[a-zA-Z#]*") { // avoid matching blank 
                    // do whatever to put these into a INSERT query...

So in mode 1, it merely loops through lines until it finds one with zero 
or more spaces followed by one or more numbers followed by one or more 
spaces. When it hits one of those, it breaks that line apart and enters 
it into the db, then sets $mode to 2.

In mode 2, it continues to loop through looking for the same lines until 
it doesn't get a match, then sets mode 3.

Mode 3 looks for lines starting with text (skipping blank lines). It's 
left as an exercise for the reader to figure out how to get those values 
into the db :)

Hope this helps!

Chris Hobbs
#42 NNASCAR league :)

Dan McCullough wrote:

>I need to take a file, similar to this and strip it of everything but this, and write 
>it to a
>database.  Are there any thoughts on how to get the information out, all the files 
>are consistent.
><!-- start strip -->
>Race Final               Watkins Glen International
>                         2.450 miles    31 laps
>Fin Str      Driver                     Laps  Led   Pts     Qual   Reason Out
><!-- end strip -->
><!-- start output -->
> 1   2   18  Dynamike18                   31   24   185  118.007      Running
> 2   7   68  jcordeiro                    31    0   170  116.078      Running
> 3   5   80  MattyJ140                    31    0   165  116.881      Running
> 4   1   28  RUDD#28                      31    6   165  118.219      Running
> 5  13   57  1SpeedDemon                  31    0   155               Running
> 6   9   84  legends3                     31    1   155  115.131      Running
> 7   3   56  RobertFx3D                   31    0   146  117.854      Running
> 8  12   55  24skids                      31    0   142   98.644      Running
> 9   4   53  Mark_O_10                    31    0   138  117.323      Running
>10   8   91  JJinsane                     31    0   134  116.061      Running
>11  10    8  beertipper                   31    0   130  114.154      Running
>12  11   44  Wis>OutLaw                   10    0   127  111.022          DNF
>13   6   51  BdgrOtlw                      3    0   124  116.702          DNF
><!-- End 1st output -->
><!-- Start second output -->
>Race time - 72:52.030
>Average speed - 62.538mph
>Margin of victory - 1.944sec
>Caution flags - 7
># of lead changes - 3
>Weather - Clear 70^ E 0mph
><!-- End second output -->
>thanks for any help
>Dan McCullough
>"Theres no such thing as a problem unless the servers are on fire!"
>h: 603.444.9808
>w: McCullough Family
>w: At Work
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