Global variables are not really global in php because they are not available
from within functions unless you specifically declare them as global.  This
should work:

130   function get_line {
131   global $socket_open;
132   $buffer = fgets($socket_open,500);
133   $buffer = eregi_replace("(\r|\n)","",$buffer);
134   return $buffer;
135   }


Yura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a global variable
> $socket_open = fsockopen($pop_server, 110,  $errno, $errstr, 60 );
> then I define the function:
> 130   function get_line {
> 131   $buffer = fgets($socket_open,500);
> 132   $buffer = eregi_replace("(\r|\n)","",$buffer);
> 133   return $buffer;
> 134   }
> Here I've got the prob - it doesn't work, it sais: Warning: Supplied
argument is not a valid File-
> Handle resource in .../inc/ on line 131
> At the same time $socket_open returns "Resource id #2" I don't know what
it means, could
> anyone help me with it?
> Youri
> <>< <>< <>< <>< God is our provider ><> ><> ><> ><>

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