On Monday, December 10, 2001, at 09:35  PM, phantom wrote:

> What would be an easy what to format a date value into month day year??
> I want to specially display a date stored in mysql in date format
> The manual says: string date (string format, int [timestamp])
> I tried $FormattedDate = date("F y, Y",${StoredDate})

try $FormattedDate = date("F y, Y",strtotime($StoredDate));

strtotime will convert your YYYY-MM-DD string into a unix timestamp.

> 1999-04-15 spit out December 31, 1969 when I had hoped for April 15,
> 1999.
> Apparently YYYY-MM-DD is not a valid timestamp... i tried mysql formats
> of timestamp(8) and timestamp(14) and that didn't work either
> --
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