Sure... sort of :)

This is what I do...

- in your webserver config file set auto_prepend.php to point to the
following file:


        # This file is the first one read for every *.php request.  It includes any
        # other "auto_prepend.php" file found in the path of the requested URL.

        # Loop through all the directories specified in the URL
        # and include any files named "auto_prepend.php.
        $_dirs = split("/", $PHP_SELF);

        for( $_i=0; $_i < count($_dirs); $_i++ )  {
                $_dirPiece .= "/" . $_dirs[$_i];
                if( $_dirPiece == "/" )  {
                        $_dirPiece = "";
                $_file = $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $_dirPiece . "/auto_prepend.php";
                if( @file_exists($_file) )  {


Now if any directory contains a "auto_prepend.php" file it will be
included automatically.

Sure it's a little bit of overhead, but it sure makes life more


On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, christian calloway wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> In coldfusion, if you have a file named Application.cfm in the same dir as
> the script that is currently executing, then the coldfusion server will
> automatically include that file in beginning of every script in that
> directory. Is there any way, by manipulating the php config settings,  to
> accomplish the automatic inclusion of code libs? Thanks,
> Christian
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