Hi Dan,

I will try your script. Thank you so much.


Dan McCullough wrote:

> Heres a function I wrote some time back for an ecommerce site, works on the same 
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
> <!--
> function ghShow(){
>         if (document.all){
>                 // IE browser detected
>                         document.all.gh.style.visibility = "visible";
>         }
>         else if (document.layers) {
>                 // Netscape browser detected
>                 document.gh.visibility = "visible";
>         }
> }
> //-->
> then on the link.
> <A HREF="#ghSpot" onClick="ghShow()">
> hope this helps
> dan
> --- "Boget, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The "pop outs" are done using JavaScript. Its something to do
> > > with setting the STYLE="visibility: hidden" property of the HTML
> > > element. I'm not sure exactly how its done though.
> >
> > Yeah, and it only works on IE (and maybe NN6+).  It won't work
> > (the same way) on NN <6.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> =====
> dan mccullough
> --------------------------------------------------------
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